20 Kasım 2009 Cuma

Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare

1 Biography 3
2 Awards 3
3 Working In Computer Science 4
3.1 Communicating sequential processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Quick sort algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Hoare's logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Books by Tony Hoare 5
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 3
1 Biography
Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare (Tony Hoare or C.A.R. Hoare) was born in 11
January 1934 in Colombo (Ceylon, which is known as Sri Lanka now). He got his
Bachelor's degree in Classics from the university of Oxford (Merton College) in 1956.
He spent an extra year at Oxford University to study graduate-level statistics and
following his National Service in the Royal Navy (1956-1958). When he learned how
to speak Russian, he started to study "computer translation of human languages"
at Moscow State University in the Soviet Union in the school of Kolmogorov. (??
In 1960, he left the Soviet Union and started to work at Elliot Brothers Ltd
which is a small computer manifuctring company, where he catched a chance to
implement ALGOL 60 and focused on developing algorithms seriously. In 1968, He
became a Professor of Computing Science at the Queen's University of Belfast. In
1977, after the death of Christopher Strachey, he moved back to Oxford as Professor
of Computing to head the Programming Research Group in the Oxford University
Computing Laboratory. He is now an Emeritus Professor at Oxford University, and
at the same time , he is a senior researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge,
England. He worked method of analyzing the performance of parallel computing
systems and Z speci cation language which is heart a typed rst-order set theory.
(Museum 2008)
2 Awards
 In 1980, he was awarded ACM Turing Award for "his fundamental contribu-
tions to the de nition and design of programming languages"
 In 1981,Harry H.Goode Memorial award
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 4
 In 1982 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society
 In 1987, he was received an Honorary Doctorate of Science by the Queen's
University Belfast.
 In 2000, he was selected as an important person for services to education and
computer science.
 In 2000, he was received the Kyoto Prize for Information Science
 In 2005, he was selected as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
 He received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from the Department of In-
formatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) on
September 24th, 2007, in Athens, Greece.
 He was announce for development of the Quicksort algorithm and for lifelong
contributions to the theory of programming languages on October 13,2006.
3 Working In Computer Science
3.1 Communicating sequential processes
Communicating sequential processes (CSP) is a language to describe patterns of
interaction in concurrent systems. It is in
uenced and supported by a mathematical
theory, a set of proof tools and a literature. It was also e ective in the processing
and development of the "Occam" programming language. This language has been
used in industry as a tool for specifying and verifying the concurrent systems. For
example; T9000 Transputer and a secure ecommerce system.
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 5
3.2 Quick sort algorithm
Quick sort is a sort algorithm and it is inventered by Tony Hoare in 1960. in 1961,
this algorithm is published. Quick sort work that any sequence of numbers, the
number of elements, selected as a pilot element. After that It is listed from small
to large orders or large to small order. In the program with the quicksort, bigo is
equal n*n and n*logn. Quick sort work divide and conqure strategy. (?? 2005)
3.3 Hoare's logic
Hoare's Logic was invented by Tony Hoare in 1969 and was improved by other
computer scientists in further years. The main aim of this logic system to check
the correctness of the computer programs with the help of formidable mathematical
logic rules. C.A.R Hoare was in
uenced a lot by the Robert Floyd's (who is the
founder of Floyd's algorithm which nds the shortest path on the graph) earlier
developments about
owcharts. (?? 2003)
In Hoare's logic,there exist a main triple called Hoare's triple which shows the
execution of code. A Hoare triple is of the form;
fPg, C, fQg { where are the P and Q are assertions and C is command.
P { precondition C { command Q { postcondition
If the P (precondition) is met , C (command) composes the Q(postcondition)
4 Books by Tony Hoare
 Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP):
There exists a book of this language which is named as language Communi-
cating Sequential Processes. It was rst published in 1985 by Prentive Hall
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 6
International which includes introduction to languages and the mathematical
 Development in Concurrency and Communication: It was published in 1991.
 Vdm '90. Vdm and Z-Formal Methods in Software Development: Third Inter-
national Symposium of Vdm Europe, Kiel, Frg, April 17-21, 1990, Proceedings
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science) :
The present volume is the third in a series of VDM which is Vienna Develop-
ment Method Symposia Proceedings. Itis a formal method for software engi-
neering, Z refers to Zermelo, a mathematician whose name is associated with
set theory. This book has some methodlogy such as; Speci cation Method-
ology, Design Methodology, Modularity, Object Orientedness, and Processes,
Concurrency and Distributed Systems.
 Millennial perspectives in computer science (2000)
 Mathematical Logic and Programming Languages
 Operating systems techniques
 Computer science
(an inaugural lecture delieved before the Queen's university of Belfast on 10
February 1971)
 Theory of Mathematical Machines(1961)
(?? 2008)
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 7
(2003). C. a. r. hoare. http://knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/C.-A.-R.-
Hoare/ , 0.
(2005). Car hoare. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CarHoare, 0.
(2008). Books of "c.a.r. hoare". http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-
type=ss&index=books& eld-author=C.A.R.%20Hoare&page=1 , 0.
(2009). computerscience. http://computerscience.freebase.com/view/en/c-a-r-
hoare, 0.
Museum, C. H. (2008). Sir antony hoare.
http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/index.php?id=48 , 0.

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