20 Kasım 2009 Cuma

Information Technology and The War in Iraq

1 General Information About Information Technology And The War In Iraq

In the twenty- rst century, world have been changing a lot but the most developed
and improved one is information technology. Development such an big industry is
helpful for di erent kind of the counties. third world countries use IT to upgrade
their weak part but some developed countries such as the dream countries as people
know United State of America use it for their on bene t. If regarding two di erent
consequences, we can realize that It can be used for di erent aims but America
use this for bad aims. In other words, America is proving of superiority by using
developing and changing technology non-ethical behavior. Information technology
has become an essential tool for the global circulation of power, waging of war and
imagining of peace. Information technology has taken a more potent role in the
organization, execution, and representation of violence worldwide in the rst Gulf
War, Kosovo air campaign, and the terrorist attacks on September 11. Whether in
military technology and intelligence organizational strategies for peacemaking, the
second Gulf War was the rst, but of course it is not last...
(Feldman 2003)
In the developed world, many of governments have achieved dominant power
with the help of information technology in the war. There is an American empire
that in the twentieth century so in the Iraq war. American empire who has new
technology for military determine the Iraq. Thus, the war between America and
Iraq are a ected by information technology because America has many di erent
tactic and repower and it make many plan of victory in order to win the Iraq war.
(Kaldor 2005)

2 Using The Technology In The Iraq War
*The MULE (Multifunction Utility and Logistics and Equipment)
It has robot army which has arti cial intelligence. It uses sensors and GPS
coordinates to pick its way through a battle eld. If a target is detected, the machine
will calculate its own ring solutions and wait for a remote human operator to pull
the trigger. It already uses put the bombs.
*ISR(intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance)
It was provided by the way of discovery opportunity that about C3I 's (com-
mand, control, communication-intelligence)success.
*CAP(combat air patrol)
It uses other air operations which is most high directions and it control battle-
It is command, control, communication, computing, intelligence, surveillance,
reconnaissance and it calculates the distance then it puts the bomb in the right era.
* American military use internet, mobile phone which are satellite-based system.
*American used WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) to kill millions of human
to cause setting dominant.
It is Global Positioning Systems. American military nd the position against
forces with GPS. They apply the right force at the right force, at the right place
and at the right time. GPS, going into orbit The World aimed at navigation step
satellites of the signals, evaluates latitude, longitude and height of the world the
nal our devices setting the general name. GPS provide the work satellites by the
united states in 1978 orbit exclusion was started. By 1994, arrived at the current
system sensitivity transporting the last satellites orbit the. was thrown into the
America has satellite maintenance and renewal procedures to do. USA has control
of the stations which are satellite and the constant satellite orbits monitoring and
necessary satellite part goes back to do transaction. Using GPS has three functions.
Those functions are waypoint, route and trackback.
(Jan Hallenberg 2003)
3 Plans (tactics) and Aims Of America
American planners prepare two basis approach in order to achieve victory. The
rst plan was that American learned a method during September 11 and they used
"Shock and Awe" strategy. It means that a military doctrine based on the use of
overwhelming power, dominant battle eld awareness, dominant maneuvers. It is
dangerous for the society because Iraq era encountered psychotically shock. There
is no doubt that it is not ethical. The second plan is to catch Iraq's leader and
leave Iraqien people alone. With the help of rst and second plans, the war gained
(Kay 2003)
The aims of the America;
*American is willing to leadership in Iraq
*Destroy Iraqi WMDs(Weapon of Mass Destruction)
*To obtain petroleum in Iraq
* Prevent to global terrorism
When it comes to talk about InfoTechWarPeace, it mentions about what is the
Information technology war peace project and what is purpose of the peace project.
InfoTechWarPeace is called peace project. According to James Der Derian, InfoTechWarPeace means seeks to supplement traditional theoretical approaches with
rapid conceptual analysis, beginning with our e ort to understand how information
technology not only enables the continuation of violence through info war, but also
provides the means to prevent, mediate, and resolve con
icts through info peace."
The Aim of the peace project are that new global networks of con
ict and cooperation research, assist of critical thinking and networked knowledge.
(Joseph S.Nye 2003)
After September 11, USA president George Bush's main target was Iraq, but for
this he needs to get support from American public for this purpose devotion policy.
American public was make to believe it was necessary to go to war to eliminate
evilness. Iraq was very important target for Bush government so that white house
"established and inter departmental open diplomacy group for Iraq." The group was
composed of national security council, CIA, Pentagon, Foreign a airs and USAID
members. Open diplomacy group for Iraq established "freedom voices for Iraq"
these voices were in front of non American press in every opportunity talking about
Saddam's cruelty and torture a public relations company name of Endon Group
to support Iraq's democratic voice did established INC. The company, related Iraq
and el-kaide show saddam as a close threat and Bush market the war always they
use Saddam and twins towers together. However there was no relation but they
reach the target by always repeating. Public was fooled to believe that Saddam
had to power in fourty- ve minutes could re weapons of mass distraction (WMD).
This way they showed videos of Halepce curts chemical attacks in 1988 people were
tried to believe to war on Saddam ment ending evilness. More meaningful is in
parallel to INC the group who called themselves" leading Americans who wants
to save Iraq from saddam "they established CLI. Leading members New American
Century project had close ties to Bush foreign policy maker American Entrepreneur
Enstitute (we should remind that CLI members before DEssert Storm operation
Gulf and SEcurity committee). The baby incubator story used as Gulf War was a
lie!!! As a result, after this, this issue is not ethical because building stone of war
is lie or pretex.
(K.Adams 2001)
4 Revaluation Of Military A air
Revaluation of military a air (RMA) changes with developed of information tech-
nology and Asymmetric Warfare, the term used for the way that opponents would
respond to a dominant military power by ghting in ways that the dominant power
did not expect or prepare against. Revaluation of military a air means to tended to
emphasize the way that improvements in information technology, precision targeting
and smart munitions created the possibility of a new form of network warfare. Def-
initions of asymmetric warfare have emphasized asymmetries in technology, what
each side ghts with; asymmetries in tactics, how each side ghts or asymmetries
in the stakes, the costs of defeat to each side. Asymmetric warface alters with the
information technology growed like revaluation of military a air.
(Rasmussen 2003)

5 Conclusion
America claims that Iraq has massenwa es (WMDs) and all countries can not have
them according to NATO rules. Thus America decide to began Iraq war to put these
desires in motion. Of course it is not true because the main aim that American
attacked to Iraq was to control its petroleum. As a result American thinks your
bene cial then to start Iraq war. It is not true behavior. As know that American is
superior in the Iraq war because it has new information technology. Their military
technologies among the gap between the two of the power were not up and ultimately
technological supremacy has gained. Technology levels of the gap between the
missing research, development, and acquisition di erence between. At the same
time, America is only super power or dominant power in the world but Iraq is third
world country. When this is the case, information technology gain upper hand in
the Iraq war and America should know so. As a result, every country can not have
same technology, same developed and same economic level. They do not bene t
from developing technology and this reason cause some weakness. American has
most useful technology which are intelligent arti cial, GPS and the like then Iraq,
because USA is powerful country and it has high economic level. By courtesy of
this, it is not ethical behavior to started the Iraq war.

Feldman, S. (2003). After the war in iraq. 1, 1.
Jan Hallenberg, H. K. (2003). The iraq war; european perspectives on politics,
strategy and operations. 1, 1.
Joseph S.Nye, J. (2003). U.s. power and stategy after iraq. 1, 1.
K.Adams, T. (2001). Information technology in war. 1, 1.
Kaldor, M. (2005). New and old wars. 1, 1.
Kay, S. (2003). Global security in the twenty- rst century. 1, 1.
Rasmussen, M. V. (2003). The risk society at war; terror, tecnnology and strategy
in the twenty- rst century. 1, 1.

Ethical Implications of Artificial

1 Ethical/Moral Implications of Arti cial Intelligence
2 Why is Arti cial intelligence ethic?
3 Comparing the arti cial intellegence and natural intellegence
4 The Arti cial Intelligence Applications Institutes (AIAI)

EthicalMoral Implications of Arti cial Intelligence

Chapter 1
Ethical/Moral Implications of Arti cial Intelligence
Arti cial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science where scientists try to create
machines, behaviours of which could be considered as intelligent. Since previous times,
human introduced the intelligence machines and today with the advantages of the new
computer technology becaming actuality.. For example;
Machines can mimic human thought,understand speech, beat the best human
chessplayer, and countless other feats never before possible. (Burns 2002)
Human learned AI with John McCarthy,he said about AI "Machines with clever engineering
and the sciences." In 1956 John McCarthy accepted organized a conference to
draw the talent and research of others interested in machine intelligence for a month
of brainstorming. The name of conference is "The Dartmouth summer research project
on arti cial intelligence." From that point on, because of McCarthy, the eld would be
known as Arti cial intelligence. Then in 1997,company of Electrolux show the rst vacuum
cleaner in Londra but it has some di erences than the others. It's cordless and
it cleans everywhere without nobody on the control. With the help of AI,it which has
radar can realise everything to cleaning. In Japan, people use machines which has AI
for building metro because of need huge poverty. Only AI do not use computer and electronic
world,also it use in moviement of media. For instance;books such as Mary Shelley's
Frankenstein or movies such asThe Terminator and Matrix presented grim scenarios for
future of arti cial intelligence.Three basic fears that could lead to these \takeovers" were
discussed.Because the robots which has made by people start a war to creator in movies.
As a result of that come to humans minds 'Can AI is ethic?'. (McCarty 0037)
To regarded how does arti cial intelligent systems work we must realize that the brain
often time does not carry out an action or perform a task directly after the command
is given; instead, the brain of the AI suppose to do some processing. In rst machine,
memory of machine is empty of concepts and reaction rules. The arti cial intelligent
system is occured with main objective. With the help of this, the AI is programmed
can appear to sub-objectives. If it acquire some experiences,its memory start to full.
With its brain, the AI receives information from the senses. When machine see some
objects the brain of the system sense them. As the system receives more and more
information, expressed as concepts, the system builds up the present situation. Then
the brain control the memory to see if there are any reaction rules that might be related
to the information. For example;we say the word computer we connect to the word
mouse,scanner and keyboard then our brain conclude the word computer. Also machines
brain work like humans brain.As is seen,there is no not ethical on the AI mecanism of
Chapter 2
Why is Arti cial intelligence ethic?
Arti cial intelligence will be assessed in terms of the ethical, has many reason. Firtsly;in
the event of arti cial intelligence,usually comes to mind is that AIs are convieneint for
humankind.When the machine do all people's work, then life is making easly. Also not
only make life easier,it would save lots of time because machines are more power than
people. This situation shows that AI bene ts for humankind.Therefore, people addict
the arti cial intelligence system. For example if the machines do all the people works
there is nothing to do for people,then people could be lazy. There is no doubt that this
is humans false and this is not means that AI is not ethical.
The other important e ective is economy in human life, the AI have control over the
economy people lose their jobs.But this not the end of the world,people work di erent
elds. Thus people do not lose their job and economy develope that may help society.
Another important issue about arti cial intelligence is memory. People do not have a
unlimited memory and they do not memorize every word. However, machines or robots
have unlimited memory to learned every word and it keep in mind.With the help of
arti cial intelligence systems people have a di erent kind of dictinary. If you have this
then you can look\verbots.com". When people create this website, they inspired by
Turing test whose creater is Alan M. Turing.

Chapter 3
Comparing the arti cial intellegence and natural intellegence
The potential importance and future horizons of Arti cial Intelligence can be perceived
better by comparing the arti cial intellegence and natural intellegence in certain areas.
• Arti cial intellegence is more perminent
Natural intellegence might change over time if the workers change places or people
who have natural intelligence might forget the information they have. On the other
hand, arti cial intellegance is permanent and it is impossible for the information to
be lost or forgotten unless computer systems and programs change.
• Arti cial intellegence can be easily copied and published widely
When natural intellegence is concerned, it takes a long apprenticeship period in
order for the expertise to pass from a person to another. Even if it is provided, the
expertise can not be transferred to another person strictly. Yet, if the information
is put into the computer system, it can easily be copied from a computer to another
and eld of use can be expanded.
• Arti cial Intelligence can be obtained cheaper than natural intelligence
In many areas, purchasing and using computers are much more cheaper than training
and employing people.
• Arti cial intellegence as being a computer technology is completely con-
Arti cial intellegence has no inconsistency; however, natural intellegence is unstable,
variable and irregular. This is due to human nature.
• Arti cial intelligence can be documented
The decisions made by the computer can easily be followed and documented. Production
of natural intelligence again is hard. For example, a person can not reach
the same decision after a period of time; he might not remember how he reached
that decision and the assumptions he made.
Considering all of these, there are certain areas in which natural intelligence is superior
than arti cial intelligence. Which can be listed as following:
• Natural intelligence is creative and fertile; there is no creativity and
fertility in arti cial intelligence
The ability to collect information is advantageof natural intelligence. The information
must be put into the system in the arti cial intelligence.
• Natural intelligence gives the advantage of learning by experience through
their senses and using them
On the other hand, arti cial intelligence systems mostly work with symbolic inputs.
• The most important advantage of the natural intelligence is the ratio-
nality of the human mind and the ability to use it with the experiences
to solve problems and encountered situations
The arti cial intelligence systems has to use the restricted solving techniques that
are provided to them.
(Klopy 1975)
When we compate between natural intelligence and arti cal intelligence, it is seen
that people gain advantage from arti cal intelligence.

Chapter 4
The Arti cial Intelligence Applications Institutes (AIAI)
The Arti cial Intelligence Applications Institutes(AIAI) does have lot of projects about
developping computers which can work without human input. Having more functionality
with the less human aids is an operation for AI technology. AUSDA and EGRESS will
discussed in the next part.
AUSDA is a program that checks the software if it is able to deal with tasks that
you need to be performed. If it is not enough or trustable AUSDA will lead you to nd
another good software which would better suits your needs. The software tries to give
the best solutions to problems like;
• Identifying the root causes of incidents in which the use of computer
software is involved.
• Studying di erent software development approaches and identifying aspects
of these which are relevant to those root causes producing guidelines
for using and improving the development approaches studied.
• Providing support in the integration of these approaches.
• Maintenance of safety critical software.
(Dyess 2001)
This technology is very useful and good news for the computer geeks. But there
exists also normal human being who are not able to think forward than mouses are the
computers foot pedal. EGRESS is created for these kind of people. This is a program which implements human reactions to accidents. Its aim to make a model of how people
do react while they are in panic. Even though the general idea is the people would fall
apart and cant move in the panic moments, the rates show that the people are more
aware of what they are doing when they are in hurry and panic. These new technology
products will help people to make smart and useful decisions in time of need.For example;
This program use the movie whose name is Arti cial Intelligence.When creator prickle
on robots hand, this robot give action like human and it takes its hand. If creator does
it again, this robot takes its hand.
What we learned so far is, AIAI is trying to develop computers and better humans.
The technology of AI will never replace man or woman but might be extended version of
human bodies which are able to make more sensible decisions in time of need, but there
is no doubt that with the help of Institutes like AIAI, we continue to stay step forward
into progress. (Dyess 2001)
In a conclusion, Arti cal intelligence is ethic because it bene ts from society because
machines who has arti cal intelligence system meet a needs for society. As it seen, in
future, with the help of arti cal intelligence, it make life easly.

Burns, A. (2002). Frankenstein of the Future.
chlorinehead (2006). Examining the Ethics behind Arti cial Intelligence.
Dyess, A. (2001). AIAI Teaching Computers Computers.
Klopy, H. (1975). Comparing the arti cial intellegence and natural intellegence.
McCarty, J. (20037). What is the Arti cial intelligence.

Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare

1 Biography 3
2 Awards 3
3 Working In Computer Science 4
3.1 Communicating sequential processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Quick sort algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Hoare's logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Books by Tony Hoare 5
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 3
1 Biography
Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare (Tony Hoare or C.A.R. Hoare) was born in 11
January 1934 in Colombo (Ceylon, which is known as Sri Lanka now). He got his
Bachelor's degree in Classics from the university of Oxford (Merton College) in 1956.
He spent an extra year at Oxford University to study graduate-level statistics and
following his National Service in the Royal Navy (1956-1958). When he learned how
to speak Russian, he started to study "computer translation of human languages"
at Moscow State University in the Soviet Union in the school of Kolmogorov. (??
In 1960, he left the Soviet Union and started to work at Elliot Brothers Ltd
which is a small computer manifuctring company, where he catched a chance to
implement ALGOL 60 and focused on developing algorithms seriously. In 1968, He
became a Professor of Computing Science at the Queen's University of Belfast. In
1977, after the death of Christopher Strachey, he moved back to Oxford as Professor
of Computing to head the Programming Research Group in the Oxford University
Computing Laboratory. He is now an Emeritus Professor at Oxford University, and
at the same time , he is a senior researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge,
England. He worked method of analyzing the performance of parallel computing
systems and Z speci cation language which is heart a typed rst-order set theory.
(Museum 2008)
2 Awards
 In 1980, he was awarded ACM Turing Award for "his fundamental contribu-
tions to the de nition and design of programming languages"
 In 1981,Harry H.Goode Memorial award
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 4
 In 1982 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society
 In 1987, he was received an Honorary Doctorate of Science by the Queen's
University Belfast.
 In 2000, he was selected as an important person for services to education and
computer science.
 In 2000, he was received the Kyoto Prize for Information Science
 In 2005, he was selected as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
 He received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from the Department of In-
formatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) on
September 24th, 2007, in Athens, Greece.
 He was announce for development of the Quicksort algorithm and for lifelong
contributions to the theory of programming languages on October 13,2006.
3 Working In Computer Science
3.1 Communicating sequential processes
Communicating sequential processes (CSP) is a language to describe patterns of
interaction in concurrent systems. It is in
uenced and supported by a mathematical
theory, a set of proof tools and a literature. It was also e ective in the processing
and development of the "Occam" programming language. This language has been
used in industry as a tool for specifying and verifying the concurrent systems. For
example; T9000 Transputer and a secure ecommerce system.
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 5
3.2 Quick sort algorithm
Quick sort is a sort algorithm and it is inventered by Tony Hoare in 1960. in 1961,
this algorithm is published. Quick sort work that any sequence of numbers, the
number of elements, selected as a pilot element. After that It is listed from small
to large orders or large to small order. In the program with the quicksort, bigo is
equal n*n and n*logn. Quick sort work divide and conqure strategy. (?? 2005)
3.3 Hoare's logic
Hoare's Logic was invented by Tony Hoare in 1969 and was improved by other
computer scientists in further years. The main aim of this logic system to check
the correctness of the computer programs with the help of formidable mathematical
logic rules. C.A.R Hoare was in
uenced a lot by the Robert Floyd's (who is the
founder of Floyd's algorithm which nds the shortest path on the graph) earlier
developments about
owcharts. (?? 2003)
In Hoare's logic,there exist a main triple called Hoare's triple which shows the
execution of code. A Hoare triple is of the form;
fPg, C, fQg { where are the P and Q are assertions and C is command.
P { precondition C { command Q { postcondition
If the P (precondition) is met , C (command) composes the Q(postcondition)
4 Books by Tony Hoare
 Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP):
There exists a book of this language which is named as language Communi-
cating Sequential Processes. It was rst published in 1985 by Prentive Hall
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 6
International which includes introduction to languages and the mathematical
 Development in Concurrency and Communication: It was published in 1991.
 Vdm '90. Vdm and Z-Formal Methods in Software Development: Third Inter-
national Symposium of Vdm Europe, Kiel, Frg, April 17-21, 1990, Proceedings
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science) :
The present volume is the third in a series of VDM which is Vienna Develop-
ment Method Symposia Proceedings. Itis a formal method for software engi-
neering, Z refers to Zermelo, a mathematician whose name is associated with
set theory. This book has some methodlogy such as; Speci cation Method-
ology, Design Methodology, Modularity, Object Orientedness, and Processes,
Concurrency and Distributed Systems.
 Millennial perspectives in computer science (2000)
 Mathematical Logic and Programming Languages
 Operating systems techniques
 Computer science
(an inaugural lecture delieved before the Queen's university of Belfast on 10
February 1971)
 Theory of Mathematical Machines(1961)
(?? 2008)
Gizem Ozpogda 250-02 7
(2003). C. a. r. hoare. http://knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/C.-A.-R.-
Hoare/ , 0.
(2005). Car hoare. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CarHoare, 0.
(2008). Books of "c.a.r. hoare". http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-
type=ss&index=books& eld-author=C.A.R.%20Hoare&page=1 , 0.
(2009). computerscience. http://computerscience.freebase.com/view/en/c-a-r-
hoare, 0.
Museum, C. H. (2008). Sir antony hoare.
http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/index.php?id=48 , 0.